Privacy Policy
Empowerment Care Disability Support Services offers positive, person-centred holistic care you would expect, providing
high quality support services that are focused on you, the individual, empowering you to achieve your goals and promote your
wellbeing. We help you make the most of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Our services include:
Supported Independent Living, Community & Social Participation, Assistance with daily life, Group Activities, Specialist Support
Coordination, Household & Personal Tasks/Activities, Development of Skills, Travel/Transport Assistance, as well as Assistance to
Access and maintain employment or higher Education and Accommodation. You can find information about our services on our website
or by asking one of our staff.
Empowerment Care Disability Services is committed to providing high quality services that are personalised, inclusive, culturally appropriate, and responsive to your individual needs and goals. Our staff focus on individual strengths to promote independence and maximise abilities.
What you can expect from us
Empowerment Care Services will:- Ensure that your supports promote, uphold, and respect your rights and dignity.
- Consistently opt for the least intrusive options to when supporting you to reach your goals.
- Strive to provide the very best possible service to you.
- Work with integrity, honesty, and transparency.
- Always treat you with respect.
- Treat you fairly and without discrimination.
- Inform you of your rights and responsibilities.
- Protect your personal information and only use it for the right reasons.
- Support you to connect with other services where needed.
- Tell you how to provide us with feedback on our service and how to make a complaint.
- Place you at the centre of decision-making and choice to ensure you are supported to exercise informed choice and control.
How you can help us
You can help us to provide a quality service to you, if you or your support person:- Share your goals and aspirations with us so that we can best support you.
- Provide us with complete and accurate information about yourself and your situation.
- Tell us if things change or you cannot keep an appointment or commitment.
- Act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service, and towards staff and volunteers.
How you can provide feedback
Provide us with feedback about our service and how we can work better.We value your feedback on a positive experience you have had with us or how we can improve Empowerment Care Services.
We also want to know if you are not happy with the service you have received or believe you have not been treated fairly and reasonably by us or by someone delivering services on our behalf.
You can give us this feedback by:
- Asking for help with providing feedback if you need it.
- Talking directly to a staff member or volunteer.
- Asking to speak to a more senior staff member if you want to.
- Contacting our head office by calling us on +61415643498.
- Putting your feedback in writing and mail it to us at 20 Finke Street, South Ripley, QLD, 4306
- Contacting us online at and select the feedback button.
- Emailing us at –
- Speaking with a staff member at one of our sites. Each site has a feedback folder equipped with our complaints guidelines, complaints forms and stamped, addressed envelopes. If you wish to make a complaint, you can fill out a complaint form and place it into the stamped addressed envelope provided, and pop it in the post or ask a staff member to do so.
How we manage complaints
Empowerment Care Services resolve complaints openly, honestly, and quickly. We will acknowledge your complaint and respond within 5 working days. If you would like to make a complaint, please feel free to use the avenue you above which you find easiest. We will take your complaint seriously and seek opportunities to improve our service.At any time, you can also contact the NDIS Commission to lodge an external complaint or seek support and assistance with complaints.
Phone: 1800 035 544
Your Privacy & information
This notice is about the way Empowerment Care use your very personal information. It explains what you can expect when you share your personal details with us.When you need our support, we will need to collect some information about you:
- Sometimes this includes details about your supports, family, and carers.
- Sometimes we need a lot of information to help you.
- You can tell us if there are some things you do not want to share.
- Most of the time will ask you directly for the information that we need to support you.
- We can also collect it from another person if you say that it is OK.
- We must keep information about you safe.
- You can tell us if you are not happy with how we have used your personal information.
- We must tell you how we use your personal information.
- You have the right to see the information we keep about you and can ask to change it.
- Help us to work out how we provide services to you.
- How we can make our services better able to support you.
- If you say that it is OK.
- So that we can give you the help you ask for.
- So that we can prevent problems from happening or stop people from being hurt.
- If we are asked to provide information by the courts or police.
- Other Government departments or agencies.
- Organisations that provide services to you.
- Medical people.
- Your carers or family.
Your Right to Advocacy
Empowerment Care is committed to the principles of respecting and protecting the legal and human rights of individuals and their right to services. To this end, we support the right of every participant to use an advocate of their choice to negotiate on their behalf. This may be in relation to assessment, reviews, complaints, or any other communication between Empowerment Care and the participant. Empowerment Care embraces a participant’s right to nominate an advocate, and will, treat all advocates in a respectful and cooperative manner. When requested, Empowerment Care is equally committed to providing participants with advocacy and support.You have the right to engage an advocate at any time. If you would like to do so, you:
- Can choose who you would like to advocate on your behalf.
- You and your advocate will be treated with respect and professionalism.
- Can ask us for help with; your rights, where to find, meet, or choose an advocate.
- Receive support from us to access a new or different advocate.
- May need to provide some information to us in writing to confirm your advocate.